понедельник, 14 сентября 2009 г.

New Features in C# 4.0

Resource Page Description
Samples and documents describing C# 4.0 language and IDE features.

Visual Studio 2010 Beta1 Samples are now live!

Samples and documents for C# 4.0 can be found on the Downloads page. The CSharpDynamic samples include several projects showing how to use Dynamic with Office, IronPython and other technologies. There is also a covariance and contravariance example, and an example show how to use the new IDynamicObject interface to create native C# objects that can be called dynamically.

The document New Features in C# 4.0 is a high level description of the additions to the C# language, and the samples are designed to show off the new language features, particularly around the dynamic scenario.

Please see the walkthroughs that ship with Visual Studio 2010 Beta1 for additional information about these samples. The code in these samples is preliminary, and may not run correctly. We recommend installing the samples on the root drive of your system, for instance, place them in c:\beta1_samples. These samples may be modified by the C# team at any time, so you might want to check back occasionally for updates.

Please submit bugs through connect, or provide comments in the discussion section of this site.

It is important to remember that the code shown here is preliminary, and is designed to run on a beta version of Visual Studio 10.0. This code may not work correctly, and the syntax shown in this code may change before VS 2010 is released.

The Office example ought to run smoothly if you have a copy of the most recent version of Microsoft Office installed. It may also work with older verisions of Office. The Python example will work if you download IronPython 2.0 . It may also work with more recent versions of IronPython. You will need to replace the IronPython, IronPython.Modules and the Microsoft.Scripting assemblies found in the references section. Right click on the References node in the Solution Explorer and choose Add Reference. Browse to the directory where you installed IronPython and add the missing Assemblies. By default, IronPython is installed in the Program Files directory. Please come back here later for additional information about the Silverlight example.

Thank you for your interest in Microsoft products.

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