понедельник, 9 ноября 2009 г.

Building an Efficient Search Page Using QueryExtender control in ASP.Net 4.0

Building a search page is one of the very common and repeated tasks we do in any data driven websites. To do this, we will build a select query with where clause based on the search parameter supplied through the input controls on the page. With the introduction of .Netframework 2.0, the data access is made easier with the help of new set of data access controls called DataSource controls. But, building complex filtering conditions that is required to build a search page is still complex with the help of existing datasource controls. Understanding this need, Microsoft has introduced a new extender control called QueryExtender control with ASP.Net 4.0(Currently in beta 1) release that works with LINQ. http://www.codedigest.com/Articles/ASPNET/289_Building_Efficient_Search_Page_Using_QueryExtender_control_in_ASPNet_40.aspx

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